My Grandmother's Clocks - memoir
My paternal Grandmother had spent a large part of her later years writing stories, mostly for children. We all hoped she would live to see something of her work in print, but she never finished them. Although my mother had taught her to type and to use a computer when she was in her 80's so that she could get them all in an editable format, she was never, ever, finished. Update after update of every story would be produced, (always without punctuation, because my Grandmother never quite got that part of typing). My mother and my aunt would spend hours and hours editing and formatting a final, final version of something or other only for my Grandmother to announce she had changed the ending or added a subplot. So it would all have to be done again, from the beginning, with no I's dotted or tee's crossed. And of course no one had the heart to take all the files away to stop her from driving them nuts. A few months before she moved into a care home for her final weeks, she...